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Delaware governor signs bill to redevelop 14 industrial coastal sites

In a move that will allow for redevelopment of several industrial brownfield sites along Delaware’s coastline, Governor Carney signed into law House Bill 190, which modernizes the state Coastal Zone Act. Carney acknowledged the importance of the 46-year old Act’s intent, and assured that House Bill 190 would “achieve the balance between protecting [the] coastal zone and allowing responsible companies to redevelop on the original 14 sites.” Carney pointed to new job creation and conversion of brownfields into active industries as two main reasons he signed the bill into law.

This is just one of the stories I contributed to this month’s HOT NEWS produced by the Environmental Transactions and Business (ETAB) Committee of the American Bar Association, Section of Environment, Energy, and Resources (SEER). If you would like to see more HOT NEWS, or if you would like to receive the ETAB Committee’s monthly HOT NEWS email, please visit the link below!

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