Trump green lights foreign solar equipment tariffs
President Trump approved four years of solar tariffs to be imposed on solar equipment made outside of the US; the tariffs will be at a...
First ever cargo of Russian gas delivered to the U.S. - despite U.S. sanctions
A shipment of gas from a Russian company is anchored in Massachusetts Bay and set to unload fuel in New England despite being on the U.S....
U.S. Department of Energy required to implement greenhouse gas reducing energy standards
A District Court ordered the U.S. Department of Energy to publish the 2016 Obama-era efficiency standards in light of the Trump...
FERC approves Rule to ease entry of electric storage technologies into U.S. power markets
Highlighting its desire to support renewable energy in the U.S. power market, this month FERC approved a Rule which would “properly...
FERC rejects Energy Secretary’s order to issue financial reprieve to coal companies
In response to the rise in renewable energy and natural gas, Energy Secretary Rick Perry asked FERC to “guarantee financial payments” to...
New York City files suit against several major oil companies for their contribution to global warmin
NYC Mayor de Blasio announced a lawsuit which seeks to hold “the world’s five largest publicly traded oil companies” (BP, Chevron,...
Oil output from fracking continues to steadily grow in the US, projected to reach record high
The U.S. Department of Energy and the Energy Information Administration (EIA) reported this month that oil output from U.S. shale oil...
Coastal areas up to be auctioned off for oil drilling, while proposed Rule relaxes oil drilling safe
Heeding calls from President Trump to increase domestic energy production, the Interior Department proposed a “five-year continental...
New York governor proposes plan to rid state pension fund of fossil fuel investments
Governor Andrew Cuomo revealed his proposal to divest the $200 billion New York State Common Retirement Fund (Common Fund) from fossil...
40-year-old ban on energy development in Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to be lifted by Co
The Republican tax-reform bill, which passed in Congress and was signed by President Trump in December, includes a provision directing...