DOE recommends Puerto Rico rebuild with integrated clean energy
This month the DOE issued a report recommending a plan for Puerto Rico’s approach to rebuilding its energy system; the plan includes...
National Grid to pay up for Brooklyn’s Gowanus Canal Superfund Site cleanup
As part of a settlement with the EPA, National Grid will pay $100M for cleanup of the Gowanus Canal Superfund site in Brooklyn, New York....
Federal Court dismisses residents’ complaint related to NY Superfund site
Plaintiff-Appellants (“Residents”), who live near a waste disposal area known as “Wastebed 13” at the Onondaga Lake Superfund site,...
Less than 25% of NJ’s ExxonMobil settlement to go to the DEP
Of the $225 million settlement collected from ExxonMobil for polluted sites in the state, New Jersey Governor Murphy plans to use $125...
District Court dismisses Exxon suit against NY Attorney General
Calling Exxon’s claims against New York Attorney General Schneiderman and Massachusetts Attorney General Healy “implausible,” a NY...
Gov. Cuomo vows that New York will lead the charge against the Trump Administration’s environmental
During an appearance at NYU, NY Governor Cuomo condemned the recently-announced federal plan to open offshore U.S. waters to drilling for...
Despite doubts regarding the Administration’s intentions, Pruitt announces plan to force polluters t
Although President Trump has proposed to cut the EPA’s budget significantly, Pruitt said the EPA “will have the money it needs [to...
Gov. Murphy asks member states of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) to allow New Jersey
New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy formally requested that New Jersey be reentered into the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) as a...
Despite $8.9 billion in cleanup costs, Appellate Court upholds NJDEP’s $225 million settlement with
Despite challenges from intervening environmental groups, the New Jersey Appellate Court upheld a lower court’s approval of 1991...
New York State Public Service Commission receives proposal to test Tesla Powerpack batteries in powe
The New York State Public Service Commission received a proposal from the Orange and Rockland Utilities in which Tesla would “create,...